
work for college students

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Questions and Answers

Do college students get enough sleep?

I am a college student and im in my second year, I have finals coming this week and I don't get enough sleep. Actually this whole semester I had a terrible sleeping habit. My mom always calls me and tells me that I need to get enough sleep. I literally stay up to 1:00am every night studying or doing something else, I can't not sleep earlier than 1:00am I don't know whats wrong with me. Next semester I want to have a different sleeping habit, how can I get my body use to sleeping early? Also if your in college or were in college how much hours of sleep did you get?

Posted by Anna
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College students are notorious for pulling all-nighters. It's very unhealthy for the sleeping habit. I am currently in college and I get about 8 hours of sleep every night. Of course, it also helps that I live at home and not in dorms. I make sure I go to sleep before mindnight and will only stay up until 2 am to study, but that is rare. To get into a healthy sleeping habit, I would suggest that you don't eat anything after 9pm at the latest because food will keep you up. Also, nothing caffeinated (most college students I know rely on caffeinee but it's not the heathiest thing). I find that wearing socks help me sleep faster too because they warm up my feet. My mind always wander when I'm trying to sleep so I would suggest turning on some soft music. My favorite is "The Ice Dance" by Danny Elfman, it almost always do the trick. Good luck on your finals and you deserve some major ZzZzZz after those finals. 🙂

Conservatives: Are college students entitled to financial aid?

College students and/or their parents have worked and paid taxes throughout or at least some point in their lives, so pell grants and other financial aid services to students is taxpayers' money. With that said, should the financial aid package increase for students? Compared to before, college students financial aid have been cut due to the poor economy. Some college students do not receive financial aid for whatever reason. If this is the case, they would have to WORK and go to school at the same time. Doing so will damage students physically and mentally, because working while going to school really drains the students' energy. I will not receive financial aid, and now forced to find a job to pay for my textbooks. I will be one of the few students who are working while attending school. I'm in community college on a semester system. I will either take 10 units (part-time) next semester or (13 units, full-time), in addition to working in my prospective job. Please tell me what are some suitable jobs for college students, and have you or anyone you know worked and attended college simultaneously and still maintained a high GPA. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Posted by
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Students of a certain financial status do receive financial aid, what it doesn't cover can be offset with student loans and this may come as a surprise but I worked and supported my family while I attended a Community College and then I went to a University and once again worked to cover my expenses. My Wife worked and helped and at the same time completed her Nursing Degree. We later put our daughter through school and she too is a nurse. I maintained a 4.7 on a 5.0 scale at the community college and a 3.9 on a 4.0 at the University, Each Semester I received awards for Academic excellence and worked Construction operating heavy equipment and worked security at the Community college. Any job where you can adjust your schedule to accommodate your hours for school and for study is as good as it gets, if Possible a job withing the field of your studies would be the best. Working Security provided me with experience for my chosen field and I performed my internship with the judicial system and with our local police department.

Us history- college students draft.?

Why do you think college students were given the draft deferments? Do you think this policy was fair?

Posted by Alllie
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College student were granted deferments during the Vietnam war, up until the time the draft lottery was begun. I know this because i had a deferment. It was called a 2-s deferment. It required a student to be full time (15 credit hours in those days) and maintain a 2.00 GPA. I joined the military anyway after i graduated (the lottery was also after I graduated). Since just about anybody could get into some sort of school and get a student deferment it was basically fair, but because it was not totally fair the draft lottery was instituted. A lot of males dropped out of school after the lottery, if they had good numbers, because they were only in school for the deferment (like my hippie brother)
the student deferments, along with a lot of other deferments that did remain after the lottery, were historical in nature, and would probably be granted again if the draft ever came back.

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